How to create a referral engine and leverage strategic partnerships

Session Type:
Are you looking to grow your personal training business and build a sustainable client base? Join this session to learn how to create a referral engine and leverage strategic partnerships to get more clients and keep them coming back, and nurture your referrers! You’ll discover the power of referrals and how to create a system that generates a steady stream of leads. We’ll also explore how to identify and establish partnerships with businesses and organizations that complement your services, resulting in a win-win for everyone involved.

Learning Outcomes:
• Understand the benefits of creating a referral engine and leveraging strategic partnerships for their personal training business
• Develop a referral system that generates a steady stream of leads
• Identify and establish strategic partnerships with businesses and organizations that complement their services
• Learn effective communication strategies to foster long-term relationships with partners
• Apply practical tips and tools to keep clients coming back, resulting in a sustainable and thriving business.

Presented By: Dr Susan Baxter

Time: 4:15pm
Date: 25/11/2023
CPD Points: 2