Menopause isn’t ‘just’ about hot flushes or brain fog!

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1 billion women are projected to be in menopause by 2025. Never before have so many women been at this age and stage at once. Of the 500,000+ women from around the world, who have completed the My Menopause Transformation™ Symptoms Quiz, the stats tell the story.

• 83% are continually fatigued.
• 80% have sore joints.
• 76% perceive they are overweight.
• 81% have difficulty sleeping.

Menopause HRT continues to be the dominant paradigm in management of menopause symptoms, but this is not the only solution. What about lifestyle solutions, including exercise specific to menopause weight gain and symptom management?
Millions of women around the world (and their Doctor) think that menopause is ‘just’ about hot flushes, anxiety or brain fog. But it’s not. Sleep, muscle health and cardiovascular health are affected too and it’s no surprise that cardiovascular disease remains the priority health risk for women as they age, but according to world-renown women’s Cardiologist, Dr Angela Maas, these changes start during midlife menopause.

So, why aren’t we understanding this demographic in the fitness industry? Why aren’t we understanding the lifestyle science specific to menopause and the myriad of symptoms, to mitigate changing post-menopause health in this important, but under-served demographic?

There’s been very little research on the menopause transition for a cohort of women who are the first generation to go into menopause in the context of the phenomenal changes in our lives over the past few decades, including the changing exercise landscape. That’s why, as part of the ExNZ conference, it gives both Mish McCormack, 4 x PT of the Year and myself, Dr Wendy Sweet (PhD), great pleasure to share some insights and case studies with attendees.

Learning Outcomes:
• Understanding the relevance of menopause in relation to women’s health and ageing evidence. (Dr Wendy Sweet)
• Understanding the major theories of ageing and why menopause matters to women’s health. (Dr Wendy Sweet)
• Turning Intention into Action: Exploring menopause client management at the gym: two case studies from NZ’s leading PT, Mish McCormack from HealthFit Collective.

Presented By: Wendy Sweet

Time: 12:30pm
Date: 25/11/2023
CPD Points: 4