Changing behaviour

Session Type:
When we are guiding someone on their physical activity journey, we need to understand that this person is choosing to change their behaviour. Changing behaviour is hard and our clients maybe resistant to change for many different reasons. In this session we will look at what happens inside our clients heads to learn why that change is so hard. By understanding that the brain and body are interconnected we can understand that when we train the body, we’re also training the brain. So while you may know that a certain tissue element provides the drive for that exercise skill, you also need to be aware of what is happening inside the operating system in control of the output of that skill performance.

Learning Outcomes:
• Look at the areas of the brain associated with change.
• Learn the process that guides our decisions to stay on the path of change or divert away from it.
• Understand why people’s beliefs are such a big part of any change journey.

Presented By: Andrew Chadwick

Time: 12:30pm
Date: 25/11/2023
CPD Points: 2