Barefoot Training: The missing connection in fitness

Session Type:
The foot is a mechanical wonder.
Each foot contains 26 bones, 33 joints, over 100 soft tissues (muscles, ligaments) and 8000 nerves.
As bipedal beings, our feet are the gateway to the earth, and they do way more than we give them credit for!

Unfortunately, today’s bad footwear, increased body mass, poor nutrition, and general lack of foot exercises make them weaker and less sensitive to external stimuli.

This can create ramifications all the way through the body, from knee to back and neck pain, scoliosis, loss of balance, increased falls, decreased strength and more.

Join Movement Therapist and Barefoot Training Specialist, Guillaume Tual, to discover why you should integrate barefoot exercises with your clients, athletes, and ageing population. Learn release and strengthening techniques to help your clients build a more resilient body.

Learning Outcome:
• Anatomical facts about the feet (structure, tissues, neural..)
• Differences between flat, pronated and supinated feet, and how they impact the rest of the body and its movements
• How to mobilise the feet to improve flexibility, mobility and strength (skeletal and soft tissue drills) (interactive)
• How sensory stimulation training can improve balance and strength throughout the body (interactive)
• Short foot activation drill and fascial stacking concept and application to gym exercises
• Using foot-to-core activation to squat, deadlift, and lunge better and stronger
• 5 drills to make your feet stronger, less painful, and improve balance
• A live case study from one of the attendees

Presented By: Guillaume Tual

Time: 10:45am
Date: 25/11/2023
CPD Points: 2