Bec Dilizia

Bec’s love of all types of movement and competitive sport emerged from and early age. It stayed with her, leading her to Human Movement studies and an Exercise Physiology Qualification. During her studies, glandular fever and chronic fatigue syndrome hit hard. The personal experience of ongoing health struggles which followed for years after, only fueled her desire to heal and to understand more. After many “traditional” allopathic interventions which delivered minimal improvements, and “alternative” physical pathways which added some greater improvements and a little more energy to be accessible, there was a lightbulb moment that the answers being sought lay beyond the physical realm , that emotional, psychological, spiritual, energetic were beckoning! It was here that the healing evolution and quest for more truly began.
Bec is an Advanced Next Level Myofascial Movement Specialist, certified Animal Flow instructor, has completed Lymphatic Mojo and a variety of Eden Energy Medicine courses. Daily meditation, clean nourishment, awareness of the energies her and daily ocean swims year round drive her life force energy to places everyone should experience. Bec is Mum to two boys and is a currently practicing Wellness Coach and online educator, incorporating all of her learnings to unlock the full power of a Human Being on multiple levels for the best possible version of them to emerge.
Business Facebook Page is “State of Being”, Ambassador for “The Next Level” FB Community.

Bec Dilizia's Sessions