Training to Fatigue: Strategies for Guiding Clients with Chronic Fatigue and Related Conditions

Session Type:
Chronic fatigue can be debilitating, making it difficult for individuals to maintain their fitness and exercise routines. This presentation will explore strategies for guiding clients with chronic fatigue and related conditions, including chronic fatigue syndrome, ME, menopause, and long covid. We’ll discuss protocols for staying connected with clients who may not be able to attend training sessions and strategies for modifying training programs to accommodate their energy levels and avoid exacerbating their condition. We’ll also look at what to do when clients are well enough to return to training, including gradually increasing intensity and volume without causing setbacks. By the end of this presentation, you’ll better understand how to support clients with chronic fatigue and related conditions in their fitness journey.

Learning Outcomes:
• Understand the impact of chronic fatigue and related conditions on clients’ ability to maintain their fitness and exercise routines.
• Learn strategies for staying connected with clients who may not be able to attend training sessions and modify training programs to accommodate their energy levels.
• Develop the skills and knowledge needed to gradually reintroduce clients to training without causing setbacks, including strategies for increasing intensity and volume over time.

Presented By: Mish Wright

Time: 2:45pm
Date: 26/11/2023
CPD Points: 2