Move with Intention

Session Type:
How many of your clients seem disconnected from their bodies when training?
Studies on positive focus and visualisation while exercising show improvements in performance and training outcomes. As Fitness Professionals, we must engage with our clients, educate them and remind them to be conscious of their movements.
From warmup to cool down, we have the power to change our clients’ movement potential and help them live a better life.
Join Movement Therapist Guillaume Tual in this interactive session and learn how you can help your clients reconnect with their inner athletes to achieve their goals faster. From quadrupedal movement training to barefoot stimulation, learn how conscious training combined with your fitness knowledge will improve your client’s ability to move and lift better while decreasing their risk of injury.

Learning Outcomes:
• Effects of stress on athletic performance, and how diaphragmatic breathing helps regulate the autonomic nervous system
• Mindfulness vs. Attentional Focus vs. Distraction: which cognitive strategy gives the best physical performance output during strength and conditioning training.
• How positive/negative focus impacts our physiology and how we can help our clients’ mindset in a training session.
• Ground-based mobility flow: the best way to bring awareness to physical imbalances and a great way to start a session.
• Teaching the Foot Tripod and how to connect plantar arches with deep core muscles to increase power output during squats/deadlifts.
• Fascial stacking: 5 cues in push-up exercise to increase strength, reduce lower back pain and bring awareness to the movement.
• Three quadrupedal movement drills to improve core activation, range of motion sensory control and reduce back pain.

Presented By: Guillaume Tual

Time: 2:45pm
Date: 26/11/2023
CPD Points: 4