Truly Transformative Touch

Session Type:
Practical session covering myofascial release techniques, combined with the ancient wisdom of acupressure point holding to completely revolutionize and bring relief to any restricted areas in the body Addressing both the physical body and the energy body amplifies the effects which are possible (versus accessing only one level of the human being). If you choose to, you’ll partner up so that you get to both experience and deliver the techniques (some can be performed on oneself if that is the preference). Energy meridian tracing will also be explained and explored where applicable.

Common areas of restriction/conditions frequently encountered by movement professionals will be covered. This knowledge will enhance your ability to help yourself and everyone in your world. Pre-test mobility., complete the myofascial/acupressure, re-test and experience the incredible shifts you can bring.

Learning Outcomes
– Myofascial release techniques (how to) and associated acupressure points (where to) to instantly relieve common areas of restriction/conditions in the body.
– How to trace some of the energy meridians.
– How to pre-test mobility, complete the myofascial/acupressure release, re-test for measurable outcomes.

Presented By: Bec Dilizia

Time: 1.15pm
Date: 1/12/2024
CPD Points: 2