The Myth of Lactic Acid: A New Paradigm for Understanding Fatigue – Deep Dive

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For over 100 years in the field of exercise science, performance fatigue has been blamed on a substrate that does not exist in the human body. The effect? A world-wide industry that does not understand the true cause of fatigue in the human body.

In this session, we will enter the field of bioenergetics, seek to re-establish an accurate understanding of energy production, debunk terms like “lactic acid” and “anaerobic training” and then outline what actually causes fatigue and what we can do as performance trainers to prevent it. Along the way we look at the critical role of oxygen in all aspects of performance, and finally we get into all things VO2max.

Learning Outcomes
– Learn the prevailing myths in field of bioenergetics, and get ahead of the rest of the industry that believes in a fatigue model that has been wrong for 100 years

– Outline the 3 systems of energy production explain and how all training is aerobic

– Learn about the energy substrate erroneously labelled “lactic acid”, and it’s role in preventing fatigue

– Examine the role of oxygen in performance training, as well as the biomechanical and physiological consequences of high vs low oxygenation

– Identify the main driver of fatigue in your clients, how to test for it, and then how to better prescribe exercise and performance training for them

– Learn to assess for the biomechanical and physiological limiters of VO2max, and learn the optimal performance training to improve VO2max

Presented By: Ben McKerrell

Time: 9.00am
Date: 1/12/2024
CPD Points: 4