The Consistent Coach

Session Type:
Sometimes as people who ask other people to perform tasks we think we’ve nailed only to look at the performance of our client and not even recognise the activity they’re performing. We suddenly think that this person maybe be a “motor moron” when in fact it could be the way that they interpreted the information and not a fault in them. Think about it, rarely would a client or group class participate perform the move incorrectly open purpose! Using a consistent method of delivery when coaching movement utilising all of the senses can help clients understand “gym jargon” better and have them performing the requested task more accurately. In this session, we will look at a consistent coaching strategy that should help at least most of your clients and group class participants moving more competently.

Learning Outcomes
1. Understand how to create a mental image of the required task in coaching
2. Look at the comprehension of the task before loading it.
3. Take away a useable strategy that with practice will help coaching become easier and more accurate.

Presented By: Andrew Chadwick

Time: 11.30am
Date: 30/11/2024
CPD Points: 2