Slings – The Missing Link?

Session Type:
Where do you look for solutions when your client moves with, restrictions, repetitive injury, pain or non-optimal movement patterns? An approach often missed yet essential to complete the picture of strength and conditioning, can lie with the anterior and posterior oblique slings.

Slings are our very own biological version of cross bracing in buildings that act to link, communicate and transfer load to the opposite limbs across multiple joints through the trunk allowing activities like walking, running, throwing, kicking and rotation to occur with greater ease, force and speed.

Are you ready to complete the strength and conditioning picture to create physically strong resilient humans, minimising injury (and therefore cost to the economy), cutting cancelled sessions, stabilising your income, elevating your reputation as the “one stop shop” coach, strengthening your retention, referrals and income?

Learning Outcomes
• Learn key anterior and posterior oblique sling movements to expand your “core” collection
• Understand the why and where sling work can be applied in your sessions.

Presented By: Ginera Linton-Ozich

Time: 11.30am
Date: 1/12/2024
CPD Points: 2