Principles, Not Protocols – How to Adapt In A Changing World

Session Type:
The world is changing with new research coming out every day – much of social media is polarising and makes it hard to be certain what is the right way. By adopting Principles, Not Protocols, you will be able to navigate your way forwards and incorporate all the things that have worked for you in the past and leave the faulty theories behind and take on new, more scientific theories.

WARNING: This will be an uncomfortable presentation but will have a major impact on your life and how you move forwards with your clients!

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to:
+ Identify their own Beliefs, Attitudes, Meaning, Stories, as well as their Biases and Assumptions
+ Discover ways to manage what they have experienced with evidence that might contradict what they know to be true
+ Develop skills in thinking differently to become a next-level professional to help even more people

Presented By: Antony Lo

Time: 10.15am
Date: 30/11/2024
CPD Points: 2