Muscle Mass and the Microbiome

Session Type:
Personal trainers and part-time fitness warriors, revolutionize your approach to a healthy gut microbiome and muscle growth. Unleash the benefits of gut health to promote muscle development. Master gut-friendly nutrition, delve into fasting science, and discover foods, prebiotics, and probiotics to optimize muscle metabolism.

Learning Outcomes
Understand the pivotal role of the gut microbiome in nutrient absorption and in breaking down and assimilating proteins essential for muscle development.
Strategize food to balance the gut microbiome, utilising anti-inflammatory foods to foster anabolism.
Explore the correlation between fasting practices and the microbiome, and its impact on muscle mass.
Foods to promote bacterial short-chain fatty acids to create a healthy gut microbiome, balancing muscle metabolism and growth factors.
Gain insights into dietary factors that support gut bacteria to foster healthy hormone production, such as testosterone.
Incorporate prebiotics and probiotics to enhance metabolic energy, optimizing energy production and expenditure to maximize muscle growth potential.
Time: 1.15pm
Date: 30/11/2024
CPD Points: 2