Menopause, How to Train a Dragon – Deep Dive

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This seminar is designed to equip personal trainers with the knowledge and tools needed to effectively support clients navigating menopause, including the use of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Attendees will receive a practical guide on training perimenopausal clients, learn how to identify signs of perimenopause, debunk myths surrounding HRT, and offer lifestyle advice to optimise overall well-being.

Learning Outcomes
* Understanding Menopause: Trainers will gain insights into the physiological changes and symptoms associated with menopause, including the transition phase of perimenopause.
* Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT): Attendees will learn about the benefits, risks, and misconceptions surrounding HRT, enabling them to provide accurate information and support to clients considering or using HRT.
* Practical Training Guide: A comprehensive guide will be provided on how to adapt training programs for perimenopausal clients, considering factors such as fluctuating hormone levels, potential joint issues, and changes in energy levels.
* Tools for Identification: Trainers will be introduced to practical tools and assessment methods to identify signs of perimenopause in their clients, facilitating personalized training approaches.
* Lifestyle Advice: Attendees will receive evidence-based lifestyle recommendations to support women during menopause, including nutrition, stress management, sleep optimization, and bone health strategies.
* Debunking Myths: Common myths and misconceptions surrounding menopause and HRT will be addressed, empowering trainers to provide accurate information and support to their clients.

Presented By: Marja Captijn

Time: 9.00am
Date: 1/12/2024
CPD Points: 4