Lower Back: A Crossroad For Injuries

Session Type:
In this comprehensive session led by Movement Therapist “Gee” Tual, we will explore the intricate anatomy of the lower back, shedding light on the interconnected systems that play a crucial role in its function and susceptibility to injury. Gain a deeper understanding of how connective tissues work together to provide stability, mobility, and support to the spine.
Explore how disruptions in gut health can manifest as tension or pain in the lower back, and discover holistic approaches for addressing these underlying issues to promote optimal musculoskeletal function. Finally, explore the link between lower cross syndrome and foot posture, and how imbalances in these areas can contribute to lower back dysfunction and injury risk.

Learning Outcomes
1- Deeper understanding of the intricate anatomy of the lower back, including muscles, bones and fascia
2- Understand force production and transmission in the deep core and thoracolumbar fascia and how this correlates in gym exercises.
3- Learn how gut health can affect soft tissue distortion and tension and have an effect on the lower back region, plus learn easy breathing techniques and floor-based movements to relieve intestinal tension.
4-Identify the relationship between lower cross syndrome and foot posture and understand how imbalances in these areas can contribute to lower back dysfunction. Learn three simple skeletal movements to assess and free up the feet and lower back.
5-Leave empowered with a deeper understanding of the complexities of lower back function and injury prevention, ready to apply this knowledge to enhance their resilience and vitality and that of their clients.

Presented By: Gee Tual

Time: 1.15pm
Date: 1/12/2024
CPD Points: 2