Get Erect

Session Type:
If your client base is over 40, wants to move like they did “back in the day” or they are retired and want to play with grandkids, tennis, golf or garden with ease – then this is the movement session for you.

Philip Beach coined the term Erectorcise to illustrate the primal value of being able to move from ground to standing with ease – as we’re designed to.

Get the edge with your warm ups, online or in person, group sessions or private training clients, by inspiring clients to get erect as it relates to their hobbies.

Join Ginera as she creates an inclusive movement experience illustrating “Erectorcise” with progressions, to cater for our desk jockeys to retiree and everyone in between.

Learning Outcomes
• Learn how you can confidently create multiple bodyweight movement sequences with progressions.
• Expand your body weight movement library for all stages and ages.

Presented By: Ginera Linton-Ozich

Time: 10.15am
Date: 30/11/2024
CPD Points: 2