Fasciology – What Your Body Tells Me Before You Even Say a Word

Session Type:
Let’s talk fasciology, and how your body language reveals the untold stories of your health and vitality, without you having to say a word.

This session will transform the way you see your body, and the way you train your client’s bodies.

You may have heard of connective tissue, but do you really know what that is and how it influences every organ and every system within your human body?

Together we are going to dive in and start exploring the secrets of your fascia, your body’s largest sensory organ and silent messenger.

Your fascia is an intricate web of connective tissue that affects the way you look, feel, move, and the way you experience your life in this one precious earthsuit you are living in.

Learn how your fascia acts as a powerful communication system, storing memories, stress, joy and trauma – in turn, shaping your body language and movement quality.

We are going to get practical and get moving as we explore the profound impact of fascia on our posture, flexibility, and resilience. This time will nudge you to consider how imbalances or restrictions within your tissues can manifest as pain, discomfort, and/or limited mobility.

Learn how subtle cues from your fascial system can reveal underlying issues so that you can help your clients exchange restriction for freedom!

Learning Outcomes
• Understand your body’s fascial system and the important role it plays in human health, and human movement
• Discover practical strategies to:
o Enhance fascial health
o Move in creative ways that promote body freedom
o Improve movement efficiency for you and your clients
o Develop a deeper awareness of fascial language – one that speaks louder than words
o Gain deeper insights into what your client’s bodies are really trying to tell you
o Set yourself apart in the movement industry by learning more about the human body so that you can better understand the human being – you will have clients for life if you can do this!

Presented By: Niki Loe

Time: 10.15am
Date: 1/12/2024
CPD Points: 2