Bone Boosting for Optimal Performance

Session Type:
Are you ready to take your clients’ fitness journeys to the next level? Set yourself apart as a bone fitness guru. Get ready to revolutionise your training approach with the untapped power of nutrition and bone health! As the frontline warriors of fitness, you understand that achieving peak performance goes beyond just pumping iron—it’s about nourishing the body from within and fortifying its foundation for maximum endurance and strength.

Learning Outcomes
Learn the benefits of Vitamin K2 and vitamin D3 requirements as the secret weapon your clients need to bolster bone density and resilience.
Adapt magnesium intake to unlock peak muscle performance and boost bone health.
Understand protein intake for building bones of steel.
Create an anti-inflammatory body by removing joint paint for fluid movement.
Unlock the power of an alkaline diet, to create a body-balancing environment that maximizes calcium absorption for stronger, healthier bones.
Time: 3.45pm
Date: 30/11/2024
CPD Points: 2