Beyond Limits: Empowering High Performance by Shattering Limiting Beliefs

Session Type:
This interactive workshop explores the profound impact of limiting beliefs on clients’ health and well-being. Attendees will learn how identifying and transforming these beliefs can pave the way for remarkable changes in health outcomes and goal achievement. Through practical exercises and discussions, discover strategies to help clients overcome self-imposed barriers, reframe their mindset, and unlock their full potential for long-lasting health and vitality. Personal Trainers will be given with tools to facilitate transformative journeys and support clients in realising their true health goals.

Learning Outcomes
-Learn techniques to help clients identify and become aware of their own limiting beliefs that may be holding them back from achieving their health and fitness objectives.

-Explore practical strategies and exercises to support clients in transforming their limiting beliefs into empowering beliefs that drive positive actions and outcomes.

-Develop skills to assist clients in reframing their mindset towards health and high performance, fostering a positive and growth-oriented approach to goal setting and achievement.

-Gain insights into how to help clients unlock their full potential by breaking free from self-imposed barriers and self-limiting beliefs that may be inhibiting their progress.

-Equip personal trainers with a toolkit of techniques and approaches to facilitate transformative journeys for clients, enabling them to support and empower individuals in realising their true health goals.

Presented By: Anna Veale

Time: 1.15pm
Date: 30/11/2024
CPD Points: 2