A.I & ChatGPT Content in 2024 – How To Adopt AI Into Your Business

Session Type:
Understand the principles of crafting attention grabbing content that speaks directly to your target audience’s needs and interests.
Learn time saving strategies for automating content generation with AI and how this will be an industry disrupter, leveraging AI to allow you to focus on building relationships and providing exceptional services to your clients.
Gain insights into the ethical considerations of using A.I. in your content strategy, ensuring transparency and trust with your audience.
Participate in hands on exercises and live demonstrations that showcase the practical application of A.I. in content creation for personal trainers.

Learning Outcomes
– Gain a comprehensive understanding of the current A.I. landscape and its applications in the fitness industry, specifically for content creation and optimisation.
– dentify the most effective and relevant A.I. tools and platforms to enhance content quality, engagement, and reach within the fitness niche.
– Develop a strategic approach to integrating A.I. technologies into their content creation process, streamlining workflows and maximising efficiency.
– Embracing this new technology
– Confidently implement and utilise A.I. tools and techniques learned in the session, resulting in a more effective and engaging online presence for a fitness business.

Presented By: Claudia Li

Time: 2.30pm
Date: 1/12/2024
CPD Points: 2