Pablo Steinman

Pablo Steinman is an Integrative Fitness Coach and Next Level Movement Specialist, with extensive training in education, fitness training, Mindfulness, Life Coaching, and Ontological Coaching (leadership and Ontological design). With over two decades of international experience, he has coached a diverse range of clients in various aspects of life and sports, including swimming, Olympic handball, football, and tennis. Through his coaching philosophy, Pablo aims to guide individuals toward a more mindful approach that leads to extraordinary results.

Steinman Coaching, founded by Pablo, is based on the principle of empowering individuals through the practice of body and mind connection and awareness. The coaching/training program provided by Steinman Coaching is designed to create a balance between the various aspects of life and sports, leading individuals to achieve and maintain a high level of performance.

We believe that a comprehensive coaching/training program that encompasses all these aspects is essential for the development of the athlete in you, helping you to reach your goals in life. Therefore, Steinman Coaching strives to create an environment where individuals can achieve their full potential by receiving guidance from a knowledgeable and experienced coach who has a deep understanding of the intricacies of the mind-body connection.

Pablo Steinman's Sessions