Gerry Salmon

With three decades of experience, Gerry stands as a committed leader in the fitness sector.
His journey has seen him serve in various roles, from club manager to national director, industry consultant, and independent club owner. Not to mention, Gerry is also a seasoned Group Exercise instructor.
In recent years, Gerry’s focus has shifted towards strategic pursuits. He completed his Masters in Business (MBA) and ventured into creating multiple independent fitness enterprises in New Zealand. Now, he’s back on the global stage, offering his expertise in industry consulting.

Gerry is hosting the ExerciseNZ Business Summit on Friday, 29 November, where he will dive into Strategic Insights, offering a global perspective by tracing the industry’s journey and predicting future trends, providing guidance on positioning yourself to thrive in a competitive market. Then, shifting the focus to the impact of generational dynamics. Exploring how Gen-Z, which accounted for 62% of new memberships in 2023, is reshaping the industry. Gerry will discuss how to engage Gen-Z effectively, while continuing to provide value to Millennials and Gen-X, with strategies for attracting, motivating, and leading across all age groups.

Gerry Salmon's Sessions