Brain Heart Coherence for Wellbeing – The What, Why & How

Session Type:
More and more research is coming out looking at how achieving a more coherent state is linked to improving our health from reduction in blood pressure, inflammation, stress, anxiety and depression to improvement in diabetes, memory and functional capacity. In fact there is growing research interest in this area for individuals suffering from low mental wellbeing and mental health issues. And the best bit is we can boost brain heart coherence simply and easily in our sessions.

Brain – Heart (Psychophysiological) coherence is characterized by increased order and harmony in both our psychological (mental and emotional) and physiological (bodily) processes.

In this session Angela will explain Psychophysiological Coherence, take you through some of the key research and positive results it is having on clients, along with different breathing techniques and life approaches you can use to move our clients towards more coherent states.

Learning Outcomes
Overview of Psychophysiological Coherence and why important
Key research in this area
Breathing Techniques to achieve more coherent states

Presented By: Angela Lee Jenkins

Time: 1.15pm
Date: 1/12/2024
CPD Points: 2