Dual Continuum Model of Mental Health and Wellbeing

Session Type:
Over the last few years in particular, more and more of the public (and our clients) have become aware of the benefits of exercise for their mental health and wellbeing. It’s a great thing. It also means as trainers and coaches we need to have a greater understanding in this area. (In fact I’m back doing post graduate studies in leading mental health and wellbeing at Workplaces and Community)
Mental health is often looked at one dimensionally – you are either mentally ill or not. More recent research supports the dual continuum approach – distinguishing the difference between mental health and mental wellbeing and noting that it can move from high to low on each scale. Its important to understand this distinction when working with clients.
In this session Angela will take you through the dual continuum model, different assessment tools for mental health and mental wellbeing, how to apply the scale with your clients, the most appropriate interventions and who is best to deliver them.

Learning Outcomes
Key Learning
Overview of Dual continuum model
Understanding where clients are on the Model
What is our role

Presented By: Angela Lee Jenkins

Time: 9.00am
Date: 1/12/2024
CPD Points: 2