Chronically Fatigued to Acutely Energetic!

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How does one go from medically diagnosed chronic fatigue syndrome, autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto’s) and IBS/SIBO/parasite gut conditions to bursting with life force energy? By addressing the WHOLE Human Being and by understanding the energy, emotions, mindset and beliefs systems in play.

Learn how the energies that you expose yourself to can impact you and how you can protect yourself. Are you getting depleted, drained, exhausted (by self and others) or are you a master in boosting, creating, guiding and directing your energies to ride the flow waves?

Explore the energy meridian wheel for insights into how such conditions occur and that the give clues and understanding of how to heal. What is at the root cause of what is happening?

You and your clients live a fast-paced existence, learn how you can do that with more ease and flow, and less depletion.

Learning Outcomes
– Learn about a multi-faceted approach to boosting energy in healing fatigue related conditions.
– Learn exactly how we are affected by our internal and external environments.
– Simple techniques to protect your own energies and clear them after your client sessions.
– Discover the energy meridian wheel and what clues it can give about symptoms/conditions.

Presented By: Bec Dilizia

Time: 2.30pm
Date: 30/11/2024
CPD Points: 2